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What are the biggest challenges in constantly evolving teaching and learning in your school?

  • Building capability within the teams to have deep learning and feedback conversations.
  • Creating a culture of ‘we never arrive’ rather than the status quo.
  • Shifting from individual contribution to the collective.
  • Having time to source high quality content, research and frameworks to address the relationship challenges in teacher teams.
  • Managing your own energy  and the energy of your leadership team in driving this work.
  • A myriad of resourcing constraints, allocation of time, bureaucratic balancing and administrative overwhelm.
  • Bringing outside expertise in without breaking the budget.

In my experience, one of the biggest issues for leaders is: how do we build the trust and connection to share practice and learn together?

  • How do we move our educators and teams to be constantly evolving and growing?
  • How do we shift practice to achieve results and improve our professional learning culture?
  • How do we develop our adult learning environment - having psychological safety and stretch as an integral way of working?
  • How can we get every educator to see their role to be learning, not just knowing?
  • How do we achieve authentic collaboration – not superficial harmony?
  • How do we shift mindsets?

Leading learning is about creating an environment where trust, psychological safety, courage and vulnerability are present and allow us to grow. It’s only when we are all connected to that that we’re propelled forward into our learning zone, where problem solving, learning and creativity are found. You want your school to be evolving, not stuck in its comfort zone. You want your educators and other adults to be thriving in the challenge of meeting the needs of all students. But how do you build this culture? My name is Tracey Ezard and I've been doing this work in partnership with schools and school systems for over 15 years. 


Specifically, where do you start? I call it building The Buzz.


What’s The Buzz?

It’s the energy in a culture that’s built on collaboration, trust and learning.
It’s an exciting place to work, with a buzzing learning zone. The sense of purpose is palpable, as is the willingness to find new ways of transforming the work.
Sitting at the very core is the impact the Buzz has on the students. They thrive surrounded by teachers who are focussed on making a difference for them and their learning. Educators who learn and grow together, gaining momentum and collective impact

The Buzz comprises three key pillars that build the learning intelligence of a school culture:

Collective Growth Mindset

A mindset that sets learning with and from each other as key to improvement and growth.

Compelling Environment

The physical, emotional and cognitive components of a learning community that stimulate deep professional learning

Authentic Dialogue

Quality dialogue that focusses on learning and connection. At its core are students, student growth, wellbeing and teacher practice.

When we work on these three core areas, we build a thriving and collaborative culture where we have greater outcomes for the students that we serve. Collective efficacy drives the way we work and learn together.

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The Buzz Academy is an online community for schools and teams who are implementing the Buzz.


Your Membership gives you the resources, activities and community that will help you build your school’s professional learning culture and growth; gain committed collaboration from your team; and realise your school’s potential.


Your membership includes:

Buzz Bites - short, sharp videos that guide you through the Buzz

Buzz Bites are a set of short, sharp videos and resources designed to support school leaders and professional learning leaders to embed and sustain a culture of collaboration and collective efficacy. They provide a catalyst for you to continue the work with your teams.

This program is not a one size fits all, step by step ‘bored-to-snores’ program. It provides an agile and flexible approach to building capability. It’s designed to assist leaders of learning within schools dive deeper into the human side of collaborative culture. It assists professionals facilitate discussions with their teams that are contextually relevant and responsive to need.

These videos are designed for you to contextualise and implement to suit your team, using the accompanying resources and activities. You can use them in your meetings or one-on-one to develop concepts that you know, if you embed them, will help build a thriving learning culture.

Take them, use them and contextualise them for what your school needs to get shift and transformation in the classroom.

Leadership Support

Leadership is of course critical in the success of all of this.

If we want get shift in the classroom, yes we need shift in the staff room, but we need shift in the leadership as well.

Within each pillar, I have created videos specifically for Leaders, created to help you think about how you contribute to the building and modelling of the professional learning culture. These videos will help you see if there are tweaks you can implement yourself, that can improve the culture in your school.

The Buzz Diagnostic to guide your work

Your membership includes access to The Buzz Diagnostic. This diagnostic will help you gauge what is going on within your team. There are questions around each of pillar of the Buzz that will capture how your educators feel individually and within your school community. The aggregate report will guide your reflections and help you dive into the Buzz Bites that will create the greatest shift and improvement in your school.

Are you ready to elevate your school culture from a hum to a Buzz?

Join the Buzz Academy!

Buzz Academy School Membership

Available for any of your team to use to facilitate the growth of your team and school culture:  Senior leaders; learning leaders, faculty heads, team leaders.


  • Whole school access to Buzz Bites, 24 short, sharp videos that serve as a catalyst for further discussion and investigation at staff or team meetings, one-on-ones or leadership meetings (valued at $7,000)
  • Accompanying downloadable resources and activities for you to use. Links to readings and other resources (valued at $2,000)
  • Access to The Buzz Diagnostic, which will give you clear insights from your staff on how strong the Buzz is at your school (valued at $990)
  • Access to our Buzz Academy Facilitator for 1:1 support throughout your membership (priceless!)
  • Access to our Bonus Bites, a growing library of resources, videos, activities and more. These resources are created both by Tracey and our community (Valued at $1,200)
  • Access to The Buzz Community of Practice, where we come together to reflect, ask questions and share best practices. This also includes two live 60-minute virtual sessions during the year, where Tracey will answer questions and provide insights into the program (valued at $2,500)
  • Opportunity to nominate a less-advantaged metropolitan, remote or rural school to partner with in building both school's professional learning culture capacity. This school will receive a complimentary membership (priceless!)
  • Special pricing for schools with unique circumstances which prevents them from affording the full membership fee - contact us to discuss at [email protected]

Total value $13,690 per year

Annual Membership Fee 

$3,500 + GST for First Year

($1500 plus GST for subsequent years of membership)

Buzz Basics

After a trimmed down version of The Buzz Academy to get you started with the foundational modules of The Buzz? This is the program for you.

Available for any of your team to use to facilitate the growth of your team and school culture:  Senior leaders; learning leaders, faculty heads, team leaders.


  • Whole school access to 9 of the 24 Buzz Bites, short, sharp videos that serve as a catalyst for further discussion and investigation at staff or team meetings, one-on-ones or leadership meetings (valued at $2,650)
  • Accompanying downloadable resources and activities for you to use. Links to readings and other resources (valued at $750)
  • Access to The Buzz Diagnostic, which will give you clear insights from your staff on how strong the Buzz is at your school (valued at $990)

Total value $4,390 per year

Annual Membership Fee 

$950 + GST per Year


(upgrade to the full Buzz Academy School Membership program for $2550 + GST for the First Year, $1500 plus GST for subsequent years of membership)
This program does not include access to all 24 Buzz Bites, the LIVE sessions with Tracey throughout the year or the Community of Practice. 



Compare Programs

The Buzz - Key Concepts Bundle

New to The Buzz? This is a great place to get your school started on the journey to having a thriving professional learning culture. Learn all about The Buzz framework, how it can be used in your school and get data on where your school's professional learning is at. 

$920 plus GST per year

Learn More

Collective Growth Mindset Bundle

Do your staff learn with and from each other? As a school, do you learn from others? Do your staff feel like its ok to fail? By using the resources and activities in this bundle, your school can learn how to create a collective growth mindset to thrive.


$1250 plus GST per year

Learn More

Compelling Environment Bundle

Does the physical, emotional and cognitive environment in your school stimulate deep professional learning? Do your staff feel safe to speak up? Do you have processes in place that encourages learning and collaboration? Learn more about creating a compelling environment to thrive with this Buzz bundle.

$1250 plus GST per year

Learn More

Authentic Dialogue Bundle

What is the quality of the conversations in your school? Do you need to have more robust debate, more challenging conversations within your teams to improve connection. Learn more about how to hold conversations that are curious, open and transformational with this bundle offer.

$920 plus GST per year

Learn More

Love the Buzz Bites but want to purchase a few from each concept?

Purchase the Buzz Academy Modules Individually here 

Don't have a credit card or prefer to pay invoice?
Start your Free 7-Day Trial
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What School Leaders say about The Buzz

Buzz Academy School Membership


Annual Membership Fee

$3500 + GST for First Year

($1500 plus GST for subsequent years of membership)



Buzz Basics


Annual Membership Fee

$950 + GST 

($2550 plus GST to upgrade to full Buzz Academy Membership)

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